For the Love of Art:

We Support Artists!

Since 2013 Project Art Lounge has been supporting artists. Through exhibitions, studio tours, art talks, residencies, and a blog, our goal is to engage artists, collectors, curators and galleries in a conversation.

Ultimately, we hope this dialogue inspires new interest in art. During the COVID-19 crisis, with museums and galleries closed, exhibitions cancelled and studio rent due, it’s time to remember the art and artists that bring joy to our lives – and to give back however you can.

You can start right now by sending a postcard of encouragement to someone creative in your life through the “For The Love of Art” postcard project.

Register now and receive a credit on the first postcard you send.

Thank you for supporting artists!

Who we are and what we do…

Our Projects

In our blog, we share art related news, information, perspectives and resources on how you can give back to artists and the art world you love.

We offer a variety of ways to support artists financially. From donations to a simple t-shirt or postcard, proceeds support artists and art organizations.

There are many ways to support artists. Visit them on social media, join an event or residency program or just take an artist to lunch.

Get Involved

Join us in Supporting Artists!









Andy Warhol notoriously said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” At Project Art Lounge, we want to contribute to a more enduring legacy for artists. We’re inviting artists, curators and galleries…and many more supporters to join us on our journey. As you do, we will update you here. So spend 15 minutes with us and share your story.

What our supporters are saying:

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Thank You”

Thank you Project Art Lounge!


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Thank you so much…your support for artists is exceptional. ❤️️

Silvia Sinha

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“You Rock”

Did someone say Mittagessen?
Thank you!

Michele Schuff

Stay informed…

News & Updates

Powerful (Women)

As Project Art Lounge goes on a brief sabbatical to attend to the family building of the organizations’ founders, we remain steadfast in our support of artists doing the hard work they do. Women artists have often been the least acknowledged creators, even though creation is at the core of what they do. During these…

Buy Something

As you dive into the heat of summer, we want to introduce you to a new initiative at Project Art Lounge: For the Love of Art Postcards. Join us for a dip in our cool donor pool and send a postcard in support of artists and non-profit arts organizations in need of your help. In…

(Dis)harmony of Difference

Project Art Lounge has highlighted the work of many women artists over the years. We didn’t do so because they were women. We did so because something in their work inspired us to look closer. It matters to us who these artists are, of course, and we let their art speak for them. Sometimes we’re…